Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Student Success Statement
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.”
Thomas Carlyle

In life as you get older the one thing you should always have is a goal. The reason that is, is because when you’re older and you’re responsible for your own actions and what you do in life no ones is going to be there to hold your hand. You have to learn how to do things on your own and the way you can learn is by having goals set for yourself and be ready to reach them. Having goals can lead to where you’re going to be in life as you get older. While having a set of goals aside of that you should always know to do the right things because if you really want to reach those goals you’ll have to do the right things so you can end up reaching those goals. Having goals and not doing the right things can get you off track on reaching them and can having lack of focusing on those goals because you’ve made those bad choices and now you have all these problems you have to deal with because you did the wrong thing and it will stop you from reaching those goals. So it’s always better to do the right thing and have a set of goals.
Memorial Day Weekend

On Saturday I had went with my mom to go shop at different stores in Cerritos. After we had went with my grandma to go eat at this new place and they food there was good. Then when we got home we were watching scary movies because my mom & I love scary movies, we watched like 2 of them. After I went to a party, it was lots of fun. Then on Sunday I went to go see the hall that I’m going to have for my 16. My grandma and me also went to go where they’re going to make my dress. Then we had went to go visit my grandma’s brother. I had gotten in the pool. Then on the actual memorial day I stayed home to catch up on school work then later on that day I was practicing my driving because I’m learning how to drive before I turn 16 this year.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Student success statement
“When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.”
Alan Paton

It’s important to forgive people because life is too short. People don’t realize how important is is to forgive because in that point their mind set is all on being angry and bitter. Sometimes those people have a reason to be that way but it’s never going to be better if you don’t forgive the person who hurt you so bad that all you could be or feel is bitterness. Forgiveness is a big step on some situations, sometimes those who’ve been hurt could never forgive. It’s bad because maybe those who hurt you didn’t want to hurt you or didn’t mean to hurt you but somehow they did and you don’t know how to cooperate with that feeling where you don’t know if you should forgive them or not, but you have to. The reason why you have to is because things aren’t going to be better by you just being mad at them, if you want to get it out of the way, if you don’t want to think about what they did then all you have to do is forgive.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Student Success Statement
“Dare to stand alone.”
Thomas S. Monson
When it comes to situations where you feel like you’re being forced into something, that’s where you rather be alone. Most of the time when people get into trouble it’s because they’re with a group that is always causing trouble. You might think being alone isn’t fun but it’s really all you need to get by, is yourself. You rather be alone than having to get into all this trouble. In my opinion standing alone is better not only for you but your future self. That way you can get good grades, graduate high school and go to college. Most of the time your ‘friends’ aren’t actually your friends, they don’t care about your education nor your future, so standing alone is better.
Physical Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities: Physical therapist are highly-educated healthcare professionals. What they do is they help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility. Physical therapist don’t use surgery but they often reduce the need for long-term use of prescription medications and their side effects.
Salary: Average $85,000
Education: To become a physical therapist you need a graduate degree from an accredited physical therapist program. That program will follow up into taking an exam.

Need for this profession: 36% growth from 2012-2022.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Student Success Statement
“If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.”
Dan Dierdorf
If you have goals and you really want to reach those goals, this quote explains why you should do it and how. The only way you can actually reach your goals if you actually do the right things all the time because if you do the right things all the time then you won’t have no problems in your way, you won’t have to deal with anything because you did the right thing. People always say they have goals and what they want to do when they reach that goal but they never say what they’re going to do and how they’re going to do it while reaching that goal. In my opinion the only way you can really reach your goals if you always do the right things and if you always keep up on what you have to do. If you do that then you’ll be good because you won’t have nothing blocking your way of you reaching that goal.

Plant Scientist
Duties and Responsibilities:What plant scientist do is they organize plants, harvesting and other agronomic operations in the field or greenhouse. They perform tasks and experiments, they maintain inventory stocks of necessary breeding lines. What they also do is look for ways to improve crop yield with less labor, and also control pests.
Salary:Average amount $66,870
Education: To become a plant scientist is you need the performing in fieldwork and research to discover ways to improve crop quality and increase crop quantity.
Demand for this particular career: It’s about 40% of increase the last year.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Student Success Statement
  1. Work hard
  2. Follow your passions, do things you are interested in doing
  3. Don’t chase after money
  4. Serve others, do good things for others, and good things will come to you.
Phillip Riggs
These tips that Phillip gave us is important because these are the kind of things you should actually be doing. It’s best for you because if you follow this tips then you’ll end up going on the right path. People don’t always think of the consequences when they do something, they just do it thinking they’ll get away with it. If you’re like those people then you’re not going into the right path. In my opinion I think #4 is the most important one because it’s important on how you treat others, if you’re working really hard for something or on something and it isn’t going your way because on how you treat others. All that hard work won’t matter because it just doesn’t feel right knowing that you treat others wrong but you still trying to get your way. For example it’s like stealing money, if you still money then it won’t matter how much is it or where it came from, no matter what it won’t feel right because you took something that wasn’t yours.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Student success statement
“The most important thing you will have is good values.”
Dennis Prager

What this quote applies is it is always good to be a good/right person because if you’re a person with great value then that means you’re good at making the right choices. It’s never right to do the wrong things. You would rather be truthful and with good choice making rather than doing the wrong. If you’re the type of person to not have value then you might end up having problems or might end up getting into so bad of a problem you might never be able to get out of. Another reason why it’s good to have good value is because if you have good value then you’ll have happiness. You’ll have trust and love from your family and friends because they trust you.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Student Success Statement
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
Theodore Roosevelt
What this quote applies is no matter what situation you’re in, always do the right thing because if you do right, good things will come back to you. No matter what the problem is always do the right thing because if your conscience is always telling you do the right thing, then you’re a good person. You’re on the path of ctr, but if you have to think about it twice and kind of stay stuck on making a choice weather if it’s good or bad, then your conscience is not where it’s supposed to be. You always got to the do right thing, that’s how life is supposed to work. People don’t always think the right when they’re making a decision between the right and wrong. Most of the time people choose the wrong thing and they end up in a situation where they can’t get out of and end up with bad consequences, sometimes if they don’t get caught they never really learn from that choice that they made or it ends up going back to them and eventually they end up getting caught at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Friday, May 5, 2017

“Student success statement”
“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”
Wilford Woodruff
When you do the wrong thing you don’t gain anything, all you ever gain is guilt and people not trusting you anymore. It’s better to do the opposite and always stick to doing the right thing. If you do the right thing you will end up gaining something and the thing you will gain is people trusting you, feeling good about yourself, not having guilt and etc. People don’t always think of the consequences when they’re going to do something bad. They just think of the fun that comes along when doing that bad thing or they just do it becomes they want to. It’s just better to be that type of person where all you ever do is the right thing because you won’t have any problems, you’ll have no guilt and you’ll be free. So might as well always do the right thing instead of doing the wrong thing.  

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Student success statement
“It’s A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time.”
Pam  Knox

What Pam means is that it’s better to do the right thing at the right moment because by you doing that you become a greater person. For example, if you win something and then you realize it was a mistake, and you owe up to that mistake you might of gotten your price taken away but at least you were honest and truthful to yourself and the other people that were part of the game. People don’t realize how good it will make you seem when you’re honest about something that isn’t true, even if you lose something, you gain something and that is trust for yourself and from others.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Student success statement
“I have been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor’. I will tell you:Place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground- there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw me chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of the circle? No never I’d die first.”
Karl G. Maeser
What Karl is saying is that he rather live on good than live on bad. He’s saying if I’m behind prison walls there will be a way out, a way out of that badness. Saying there is hope to get out of that prison wall. It’s better to be around or in a place where you’re not locked up or in the middle of something that you know it’s not right rather than being in a place with no freedom because of the choices you made. I think that’s what people don’t think about when they make bad choices, they just think about the fun that they’re going to have but not about the consequences and I think that’s what people don’t realize that it’s better to know your place rather than having people or bad choices control you.